Case Study Results: Over 75lbs of Deadlift Progress for Szee-Won
As a powerlifting coach, every now and then you lose track of time, especially with lifters that you’ve been coaching for several years. I’ve been working with Szee-Won for about 6 years now (It’s 2023 at the time of writing this). From 2018 to 2022, she added ~80 lbs to her competition deadlift and at the time of writing this,
How to Build a Powerlifting Training Program
9 years of powerlifting coaching philosophy distilled down to a few words.
When Should You Change Your Rep Scheme For Powerlifting?
5×5 is probably the most common rep scheme, but plateaus happen eventually.
When should you change reps up and how should you program it?
You Can’t Know What You Don’t Know
Years back, one of my weakest points as a coach (a quite introverted one at that) was not asking enough questions from the lifters I would work with to get the fullest picture of what they need.
No Bench Press Plateaus Allowed
How Taylor took his 1RM bench press and did it for 4 reps
Breaking a Canadian Powerlifting Squat Record
What you can learn from that time I set a Canadian National Powerlifting record in the squat.
How to Program Powerlifting Accessory Work (Video Training)
3 simple considerations to use when programming accessory work for a powerlifting training program.
How to Add 100+ Lbs to Your Powerlifting Squat
This is how we added 104 lbs to JR’s squat in 7 months.
Case Study Results: JR Hits a 240lb Powerlifting PR
After just 7 months, JR hit a 240lb PR at his first Competition and got rid of his shoulder pain.