How To Set the Perfect Rack Height For a Powerlifting Bench Press
A 3-step guide to finding the perfect height for a bench press in order to most efficiently lift the heaviest weights in powerlifting.

No Bench Press Plateaus Allowed
How Taylor took his 1RM bench press and did it for 4 reps

Improve Powerlifting Technique With This 1 Tool
The simplest way to fix technique flaws when following a powerlifting program.

When Was the Last Time You Hit a 40+ lb Bench Press PR?
Is this the simplest way to add 40+ lbs to your squat, bench and deadlift in 4 months?

Improving Powerlifting Technique The Fast Way
The two fastest ways to improve technique on the squat, bench press and deadlift.

9 Powerlifting Questions Answered
What you need to know about programming, shoulder mobility, technique precision, variation and MORE.

The Only Thing That Matters In Your Training Right Now
There’s only one thing you should be focused on when it comes to getting better at powerlifting and it’s not your lifetime goals.

Zack Added 40kg (88lbs) to His Powerlifting Total in 4 Months With The Momentum Program
Zack added a TON of weight to his total and improved his technique too. Here’s how we did it.

Repping Her Max Bench For 3
Emily benches 240 for 3 reps RAW