Powerlifting Articles

Are You Making These 3 Mistakes With Your Powerlifting Programming?
Weak point training has its place in powerlifting, though it often gets misused
3 Ways To Get Over An Injury Faster and Back to Powerlifting Training
Sometimes little tweaks happen in training. When you’re gunning for big performances and pushing the envelope, it’s bound to occur. Here’s 3 things you can do if/when that happens to get back to 100% that much quicker
From TikTok Workouts to Powerlifting Gold: Marina Maxwell Athlete Profile
Before starting the Momentum Program, Marina was doing TikTok workouts and didn’t have much structure to her training at all. Now she is a Medalist in Powerlifting.
Asking for Powerlifting Help On The Internet Is Dumb
Opinion: Asking For Help On The Internet Is a Bad Idea. Especially when you already pay an expert for their consulting. . Let me elaborate here. . I’m part of quite a few Facebook lifting groups and it’s common practice to post up some videos asking how to solve X problem. This is not what I take issue with. What
Single Leg Training In Powerlifting Programming
How much, when, and why should you do single leg training as a powerlifter?
Low Bar Squat Thumb Position (And Other Tips)
There are a lot of components that go into a good low bar squat position.We cover thumb position, grip width, and proper cues to tie it all together. 
Intermediate Lifter Deadlift Weak Point Solutions
The basics are important, but at a certain point, it’s time to progress beyond them and get into fine tuning.