Powerlifting Articles

Hip and Foot Deadlift Position
Hip and Foot Position in the Conventional Deadlift – Live Powerlifting Coaching Session
We walk Kenneth through finding his ideal deadlift form to be as efficient as possible.
Serratus for a bigger bench
How to Improve Shoulder Stability for Bench Press (10 Minute Fix)
A full coaching session where we go through what is causing and how to fix recurring rotator cuff issues in bench press due to asymmetry.
Squat Coaching - Scott Robertson
Squat Coaching With World Champion Powerlifter Scott Robertson
A live coaching session where we go over some drills and cues to improve Scott Robertson’s squat and improve upon the erector tightness he gets with his max squat attempts.
Deadlift Cues
2 Crappy Deadlift Cues (And How To Fix Them for Powerlifting)
There are no bad cues, just the wrong cues for an individual. This week’s video picks apart 2 extremely common deadlift cues, how to misuse them, and most importantly how to properly implement them.
Better Understanding Bench Press Cues for Powerlifting
There are way too many cues that get misused and misunderstood in the bench press. This week’s video goes over some simple ways to get more out the cues you’re already using in the bench press by refining them and removing compensations. 
Squat - Center of Mass
How to Improve Your Balance and Depth in the Squat (For Powerlifting
This week’s video shows you how to individualize your squat technique based on your body proportions, strengths, and leverages by understanding proper body positioning in the squat using this simple loaded drill that doubles as an effective warmup for a heavy squat workout.
What Makes For An Effective Powerlifting Warmup?
Is there a best way to warmup? We outline how to individualize your prep routine based on your body by following the foundational principles of athlete preparation.
Core Training In Powerlifting
Learn to Brace Properly For Powerlifting (in 5 Minutes)
Often dubbed the “missing link” in your bracing technique, the obliques get missed a lot, but serve a huge purpose in high performance training. How to we train them effectively and get proper engagement in the first place?
Are Dumbbells or Barbells Better For Powerlifting Accessory Work?
Ask 5 people on when you should use a dumbbell or barbell for your accessory work and you’ll get 5 different answers. This video and article dives in to which situation is best for each.