How To Set the Perfect Rack Height For a Powerlifting Bench Press
A 3-step guide to finding the perfect height for a bench press in order to most efficiently lift the heaviest weights in powerlifting.
How to Pick Attempts for Powerlifting (Free Calculator)
Learn to calculate your powerlifting attempts for competition in less than 5 minutes.
Alternating Periodization for Powerlifting – How to use it in 5 minutes
If something works in your training, it’s easy to cling to it and “squeeze it for all it’s worth”, right? What happens when that formula you’ve cooked up stops working? In my experience, most lifters will run specific progression models/programs for much longer than they should – clinging to the results that the modality used to deliver while ignoring the
No Bench Press Plateaus Allowed
How Taylor took his 1RM bench press and did it for 4 reps
Powerlifting Coaching vs Programming
How does coaching differ from just having a good powerlifting program?
Do You Need to Train Lunges for Powerlifting?
Have you made this mistake with your powerlifting programming that could be leaving you open to injuries?
Avoid This Amateur Powerlifting Competition Mistake and PR Your Total
Have you made this mistake in competition? It could cost you pounds on your total.
Improving Powerlifting Technique The Fast Way
The two fastest ways to improve technique on the squat, bench press and deadlift.
Select Your Powerlifting Openers Like a Pro
The simplest rule to follow to add 10% or more to your powerlifting total.