Powerlifting Articles

What Makes For a Great Powerlifting Coach?
There’s a whole slew of things that make a solid coach but one that differentiates the good ones from the greats in their ability to catalyze change.
Are You Making These 3 Mistakes With Your Powerlifting Programming?
Weak point training has its place in powerlifting, though it often gets misused
Repping Her Max Bench For 3
Emily benches 240 for 3 reps RAW
Does Autoregulation Make You A Powerlifting Slacker?
Now You can get strong the easy way without sticking to a program. I’m half kidding here, but seriously when it comes to periodization styles, there’s definitely two camps Both have merits, but I think there’s some specific things we need to consider and use-cases for each style. Which should you use and why? Check out my thoughts below: PS
3 Ways To Get Over An Injury Faster and Back to Powerlifting Training
Sometimes little tweaks happen in training. When you’re gunning for big performances and pushing the envelope, it’s bound to occur. Here’s 3 things you can do if/when that happens to get back to 100% that much quicker
How Andrew Stopped Booking Physio Visits and Started Deadlifting 400lbs Pain-Free – Momentum Program
Andrew used to have to take time off every time he lifted heavy. After just 4 months, he’s pain free and stronger than ever.
3 Powerlifting Programming Ideas to Break a Bench Plateau
Stuck in a bench funk? Update your powerlifting programming method with these tips.
The Deadlift “Wedge”: How To Do It and Which Style is Best
How to optimize the “barbell-athlete unit” for a better, stronger deadlift
Powerlifting Athlete Profile: Emily Wiggins
I’m very proud of my athlete Emily Wiggins in her first open competition this past weekend at the BCPA Spring Showdown.   We have been working together for a few years now and she’s done quite a few meets but she’s officially graduated to the Open category and started out with quite a start indeed.   Ended the day with