First powerlifting competitions, off-season training and other online powerlifting success stories
It’s been a productive few weeks for the lifters I coach. Here’s some highlights:

- JR Tee hitting a 30lb 3RM PR of 177.5kg (390). We started this block out a month ago with a 3RM of 360.
- Szee-Won Lee hitting a rep PR of 110*5 on TnG Bench. This took a couple blocks to get moving again due to some external factors. Initially we were looking at around 2 to 3 reps depending on the day.
- Nico Guerrero having some lightbulb moments with bracing and movement. He used to have a lot of issues with groin pain and consistency with heavier (>300lbs) loads on his squat. He recently hit 315*8 on his squat AMRAP set.
- Emily Wiggins with a cruisy 230*8 bench press. Her previous best for higher reps before this block was 200*6 and last year she hit 255*1.
If you’re feeling stuck in your training – Apply to join my “Momentum Program” and become a case study. We’ll work with you 1-on-1 (in-person or online, depending on location) to consistently increase your PRs.
It takes less than 60 seconds to apply HERE in order to find out more information and see if you’d be a good fit.